~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Art and Work of Matthew Moss~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Award Winning Editorial Cartoonist • Art Director • Visual Artist • Musician • and yes... Chef


Here! Links for my portfolio as an Art Director and Illustrator!

Habitat Rescue

Art Direction, Design, Illustration

Camp Fu

Art Director, Design, Illustration,

Jingle Jangle

by Jim Rix

Cover Design, Logo Design, Cover Illustration

Happy Thanksgiving

Live Figure Drawings--

For the past 6 months I've been using my subway commute to warm-up figure draw. The goal is to capture as much as possible and measure my time in number of stops. Enjoy.

2 stops

Bugs a project in sketches...part 3

Here's the next grouping of insects for new taxonomy. In the process of trying to identify the taxonomy of such unique creatures, i have decided to render them in color too!

Potato Sniffing rub Bug

Fuzzy Beanpole Caterpillar

Iridescent Short Horned Leaf Hopper

Orange Swamp Stinking  Bug

Bugs a project in sketches...part 2

Here's the next part of the 'Bugs' series--

75 Watt Incandescent Light Bug

detail of the compound eye of a Greasy Nostril Equator Gnat

a foraging Slack Jawed Drooler Ant

Rollie Pollie Potato Robocloptera

Bugs a project in sketches...part 1

Hey folks! Here's the first group of bugs- 
I'm still working on proper taxonomy. If you can properly identify any of these critters, let me know ;)

Puddle Drinking Mud Hopper

Mountain Out of a Mole Hill Betele

Shrimp Flavored Chip Bug

Nipple Backed Potato Husker

Inky and Blinky Beetle

Bugs, bugs,bugs!

I started a project drawing 100 insects over the summer as a doodle exercise. I'll be posting some of my favorite doodles here.

NYC Cartoonist Happy Hour w/ Jermaine Chambers

Hey Peoples,
I just saw this on cartoonist Mike Lynch's site--  April 2009,  NYC Cartoonist Happy Hour! With Special Guest Jermaine Chambers--

 NYC Cartoonist Happy Hour, April 19 2009, Jermaine Chambers, Matthew Moss, Derek Mainhart and Doug Bratton.

Jermaine is one of my oldest pals, Currently he's in Afghanistan! Let's wish him well! Coincidentally back when we were kids, he bought me my first superhero comic. I'm glad he joined us that night. Whata' Happy Hour!

Dj Samurai YT

My ever awesome friend and collaborator-- DJ Y-Teezy, commissioned me to create a flier for promotion- I'm still tweaking the lettering-- but i wanted to post it!

Dan Kasper- Real Marine, in space-- and Afghanistan.

I was commissioned on the fly to do a vector drawing of a mutual buddy who was heading off to war. The idea was to portray him as a cheesy sci-fi "space marine" appearing like a Major Arcana card in a Tarot type card set.